Attracting and Retaining

Top Talent



Leadership Training Series

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Are you finding...


  • That your recruiting process seems to be attracting candidates that aren't the right fit?
  • That you're struggling to keep employees engaged?
  • That leaders don't have a real pulse on team morale?
  • That team members are taking longer to accomplish the same tasks as before?
  • That leaders are having difficulty obtaining team buy-in?


This implementation-style

course series can help!

By the end of this series, you will:


  • your true recruiting needs.
  • which candidates are the most likely to succeed at your organization.
  • how one-on-ones are key in the retention and development aspects of your people strategy.
  • why it's important to keep the risks of operational debt in mind at the strategic level as well as the operational level.


  • how to form an efficient application process.
  • how to lead an interview to obtain the information you need.
  • how to evaluate the data gathered during an interview process.
  • what a "strong offer" could look like.
  • how to effectively lead one-on-ones and the common pitfalls to avoid.
  • how to empower your team to include continuous optimization as part of their tasks to help the business be more agile.
  • how to increase connectivity and alignment with your remote team.


  • a targeted job description.
  • an interview scorecard.
  • an interview rating guide.
  • a tailored one-on-one template or plan to start using the provided template to gain more insight, as you will know how to structure a valuable one-on-one.
  • a plan to start addressing or at least prepare to address operational debt as part of quarterly optimization efforts.

What's included?


๐Ÿ›  One six-module implementation course (divided into eighteen core-module videos that are exercise-based plus two Pro Tips videos) on targeted recruiting.

๐Ÿ›  Two implementation masterclasses, one on harnessing the power of one-on-ones to increase retention, the other on reducing operational debt to increase business agility and retention.

๐Ÿ›  One mini-course on creating connectivity and alignment with your remote team.

๐Ÿ›  A total of 12 downloadable worksheets and templates to guide you in creating your own assets.

๐Ÿ›  Decades of lessons learned condensed into about 10 hours of implementation-style training, broken into short videos to more easily digest the information and allow more time to implement. 


Let's Do This! I'm Ready to Start Increasing Retention!

Find out more details about the series!

Click on each card to learn more about these four included courses.

A refresher on your guide

Jocelyne Morin-Nurse, CEO, Loxentus Inc.

Jocelyne has been called an “architect of success” possessing an “impressive understanding of business.”

In a career that took her from public service to entrepreneur to CEO of a software company while growing her own leadership training company, she found a passion for impactful leadership, employee empowerment, sustainable growth, and business agility.

She has led organizations through crisis and transformation, redesigned recruiting processes, and overhauled business financials leading to profitability and measured growth.

Through her company, Loxentus Inc., she draws from her expertise and insight to teach leaders the skills they need to drive business success by unleashing the real magic of a business focused on both the people AND the profits.

She is also the Chair of the Forbes Business Council's Employee Empowerment group, and Loxentus is proudly certified WBE.

Frequently Asked Questions

Join me as I take you through


โ— How to uncover what next team member your team really needs,

โ— How to write a job description specifically designed to attract your ideal candidates,

โ— How one-on-ones fit into your people strategy,

โ— What types of questions to ask during one-on-ones,

โ— How to empower your team to address operational debt,

โ— How to plan for operational debt reduction and prevention,

โ— How to create connectivity and alignment with your remote team using mindset and implementation,

And more!

Show me the way!